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Welcome To

Ashley’s ROOM


Luckily I just cleaned up the place, otherwise I’d be a little embarrassed by you stopping by unannounced. I like the beach, as you can tell. I spend most of my time in here playing old video games. I haven’t had much time for that lately though. I just finished a big project. The Red Rainbow did, as a whole. We created an inter dimensional portal in the form of a book called NIMI… which takes some work let me tell you. We based the book on Sal’s recent journey into an alternate dimension that we’ve officially termed The Second Heaven. I was put in charge of illustrating the the book. Partly I mean. I probably did half of the illustrations myself, but Sal drew a few things based on what he saw while he was there, and Ollie did too, but I was responsible for converting all of the ideas into pixel art. Any whooooo, I’ve been in here staring out this window for two hours tripping my eyeballs off trying to come up with new ideas for this game DragonCatcher, which is a personal project I’m working on right now, so I’m gonna head to the arcade and take a break before I go insane. Feel free to join me.

Go to The Arcade with Ashley…

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    Not only does Ashley wear jean jackets, but she’s also responsible for all the pixel art you see about the The Red Rainbow. If she's not watching Anime without the subtitles (She doesn't speak Japanese) she's probably sitting in a booth somewhere melting crayons on the tablecloth. She loves to write about her life, but she hates journalling. This paradox causes her to make up fictional events based on real events and write about them. She has one such series in the works entitled PYRAMID DAZE which is all about the little people who work inside our brains. She also specializes in digitally recreating the environments of classic 80's movies so people can visit them in our VR Cafe “A Day In The Life”—and being really bad at texting. This has caused countless problems in her many long distance relationships. (a.k.a all of them) But, we are secretly crossing our fingers that she'll finally get the iText* app so that the madness can stop. Along with Riley Black, she has a very unproductive music project called Girls With Accents, and she refuses to get any tattoo that doesn't have something to do with The Legend of Zelda.

    *a new app that uses AI to text your friends in case you forget about them.

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