Welcome To

Dillon’S ROOM


Unfortunately Dillon, or McG as we call him, is not in right now. He’s currently down on the ground floor with his friend Ollie getting drunk at The Stache before the Leddstein show that’s going on tonight in the Theatre. Luckily for you, Dillon loves it when people stop by his room unannounced…especially when he’s not here.

Just kidding. He doesn’t love that. You should probably leave.

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    We all call Dillon, “the new guy,” but technically he's not the newest. Rick Dangerfield is newest, but we think the nickname is still warranted. Rick already knew about The Red Rainbow before he came here. Dillon had to learn to cope with it all at once. Sal took him under his wing a little bit, and that seems to have helped. But, it's still a struggle for him psychologically. He'll come around I'm sure. And in the end it will be great because he'll be able to relate to all the normal people that we can't. Excuse my French.  

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